ISPIM & bluenove 2020 partnership
Bluenove and ISPIM are therefore partnering in 2020 to invite all innovation managers, practitioners, experts, academics already members of the ISPIM network as well as bluenove customers, and innovation management lovers worldwide to write or co-write stories to imagine what the future of innovation management
“From open innovation to collective intelligence” : Martin Duval’s new book
A few introductory words about Martin Duval’s new book “From Open Innovation to Collective Intelligence”.
7 actions to be implemented in 2019 for an efficient Innovation Department
In order to step away from the all-around POCs that lead nowhere and do not always allow the team to join in as a whole, here are 7 actions to be carried out by the Innovation Department to mobilize start-ups and employees in a sustainable way. In 2019, reducing the cycle from idea to industrialization will remain the…
vTaiwan : making citizens the key to public debate
A critical perspective on the cogs and performance of the vTaiwan system Unmanned vehicles, Airbnb rentals, privacy rights, online sale of alcohol, Uber transport services – these are just some of the topics covered by the vTaiwan system since its launch in 2014. In each case, institutions of this East Asian country were able to…
Large Group seeks Collective Intelligence Director
This is not a real job offer, yet. But, I predict this kind of job description will soon start appearing to cover new responsibilities within large public and private organisations. To continue on from the ideas I set out in ‘The CEO is Dead. Long Live the Collective Intelligence Officer“ in Usbek & Rica, I’m…
The CEO is dead. Long live the Collective Intelligence Officer
Referendums are driven by everything but collective intelligence. Let’s look at Brexit in the UK, an incredible exercise in collective co-decision-making at a national level. The Brexit? Far from a process in collective intelligence Mobilising millions of people, this decision was actually anything but an example of collective intelligence in terms of methodology. The referendum,…