As part of its vision exercise for 2030, Decathlon has chosen to associate its ecosystem to collectively write this projection 10 years from nom now
Its swimming brand Nabaiji is launching a major open conversation from May 13th to June 19th 2019: SWIM 2030.
Naibaiji offers Decathlonians, swimmers, customers, partners… to imagine together the future of swimming… What will this sport look like in 2030? What will swimming practices be like and in what world tomorrow?
This conversation takes place in two phases:
- From May 13th to June 11th, six themes of exchange are opened to the participants. Swimming in 2030, responsible swimming, the equipment of the future… and even stories to invent. Participants are encouraged to write a short story telling a dream story in 2030, in which water and sport play an important role.
- From June 11th to 19th, priorities will be determined to enrich the vision.